Earthquake Engineering

Experimental Center

The Earthquake Engineering Experimental Center (EEEC) is currently the most comprehensive large-scale seismic engineering laboratory in China, consisting of four sections: the Structural Laboratory, Seismic Simulation Laboratory (Shaking Table Array), Centrifuge Laboratory, and Geodynamics Laboratory.

The EEEC has been equipped with a diversity of the world-class experimental facilities to improve the safety and resilience of civil engineering and urban communities, such as: 1) an array of three shaking tables with platforms of 5m*5m, 3.5m*3.5m and 3.5m*3.5m, 2) a 5.5m-radius dynamic centrifuge with a shaking table of 1500kg payload, 3) a pseudo-dynamic testing system with a 6DOF boundary loading devices, 4) a large scale metrological verification platform of seismic mitigation and isolation devices, 5) nonstructural element earthquake response simulators; and 6) various micro observation and material testing apparatus.

The experimental facilities at EEEC enable researchers, both national and international, to perform a wide range of physical or hybrid experiments for understanding the failure mechanism and aseismic performance of the large and complex structures, structural and non-structural elements, electrical and power equipment, soil and complicated soil-structure interaction systems etc.

Deputy Director: Wang Yongzhi

Office phone: +86-451-86656152


Deputy Director: Zhou Zhongyi

Office phone: +86-316-3395222
